Side note; yes.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
You Are The Dancing Queen
This is the life. I made the whole weekend at the beach a personal rehearsal retreat. There were a bunch of lesbians parked down to my right. Once they noticed me being very dramitic and singing, they had to consider if I was a schizophrenic threat, or just some drama queen rehearsing a play. Or if they could beat me up.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Pissing the Night Away
MTV Will Now Air Legally Blonde, the Musical on October 13 at 1PM
And now to today's blog.
I'm going for my 24 hour AA chip today. It will be my third. I'd like a set of six; I'll use them as coasters.
At that impromptu party last weekend, I may have lost a friend. What would you do if you were NGN? I made dinner, he brought Skyy Vodka. I drank Burnett's Vodka instead because it was downstairs where I was cooking. But before he left, I poured a noticeable amount from his to mine. When he said "Wow - there's a lot less in here than I thought." I said: "What did you think we were drinking? Water?"
In fact I was drinking about 4-6 ounces of vodka on ice at a time.
I am told that I said to Rolf that I took it "FOR SERVICES RENDERED!"
Yeah, I love how alcoholism brings out the asshole thief in me. Party!
Other alcoholic related events: I added, and then canceled an extra rehearsal on Wednesday. I decided that it was my only night off, and since Rolf had geezerball; I couldn't sluff walking Bailey on him. And I needed to do my Last Five Years homework, well, at home.
I started drinking early. I was home by 4:45, having left work early and made it to the farmer's market. I made myself a proper martini (oh, no, not proper . . . it was still vodka, but I actually used Vermouth - which makes it a cocktail instead of a couple of shots.) Then I walked Bailey by the lake. Frankly the drink on an empty stomach went to my head a little. Otherwise I don't think I would have talked the very fit older Latino couple into walking my dog for me, so I could observe and see how badly she is limping.
Then I made myself a couple of end-of-summer heirloom tomato sandwiches, with a glass of milk. And off I went to get my hair done. I was early, so I stopped by the Liquor Store and bought myself a bottle of vodka, and a small Skyy Vodka for NGN, plus a single serve bottle of Skyy, which I drank in my parked car before getting my hair cut.
Yeah. An hour later, driving home; would I have passed a breathalyser test?
SideNote; I looked good in the hairdresser's chair. I was very excited that you can see my weight loss in the mirror.
So, home by 7:15. I made myself another martini. Rolf wasn't home from work yet, so I checked to see if he had washed his geezerball outfit, and finding he hadn't I did a load of laundry. Then a load of dishes. Made another martini. Set TiVo up to record "Bionic Woman", fed Bailey, made myself a quick Roasted Red Pepper, Summer Squash, Eggplant, Onion, and Roasted Tomato Ragu that I served over Polenta sauteed in olive oil, opened a bottle of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, and settled in to watch an hour of TV. Which turned into two hours of TV, and half a bottle of wine.
Rolf got home from geezerball at 10:15, ready to play. But I kept on drinking my wine and watching TV until I was too tired to stay up anymore.
Yep - no sex. AND NO REHEARSAL.
And I am really beating myself up.
I did something good. After rehearsal last night, I called an alcoholic friend on the way home, which steeled my resolve to not have a glass of wine and two martinis before I went to bed. So, yay; I can get another 24 hour chip today. Woo-hoo.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
You've Got Us Feelin' Alright
My cell phone rings -

"Answer the phone, answer the phone, answer the phone" I hear CoStar say.
"This has got to be good," I think. "But she sounds so panicked, maybe something horrible is wrong. Somebody's dead . . . . "
"Um, yeah, I'm here," I say.
"Oh my God," she says, "You won't believe it; are you sitting down? I GOT BILLY JOEL* TO PLAY FOR US!" (*Not his real name.)
"He's scared to death, because he knows how hard it is - and he's had run-in's with Adrianna before - but he said he'd do it!"
Now we can move on to advertising! Oh, and I have to tell Susan.
You see, Susan is not getting it. She said she'd do her best, which I haven't seen quite yet - but then again - I'm not off book myself. Anyway, it's been difficult. So, she begged us to find someone else, but said that she'd do it and or help us out in any way. I was counting on her playing for the show. I hope she's going to be ok with this. She said that she would be. We still need her to be our rehearsal accompanist though!
(Oh, that's CoStar's picture. Hot, huh?)
WE GOT BILLY JOEL! (Again, not his real name.)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I'll just say, that yes, my waist line looks like a muffin top today, but that's because I'm wearing size 34. The button may fly off and blind someone - but I got them shut! My home scale says I'm done another 3 lbs. I can't wait until Weight Watcher's tomorrow.
Rehearsal went well last night. I have to study my lines and lyrics. I'm not where I thought I was, and stumbled quite a bit off book last night. I really think it's going to be a great show.
All the best,
Monday, September 24, 2007
What'll You Say Old Friend, Are We or Are We Unique?
For an impromptu party, the food was incredible. After we'd polished off a pot of coffee with Irish Cream, and moved on to vodka - we started out the evening with two deep dish polenta pizza's Rolf had made. (They were for a luncheon that he couldn't get too because of traffic.)
Then we had cold shrimp with roasted tomato aioli, and warm scallops with bacon. After a few more drinks, I brought out an amazing salad of very fresh greens I'd gotten at the farmer's market that morning, topped with fresh corn, poached baby summer squash, vine-ripened tomatoes, and a tarragon and olive oil vinegarette. Except for NGN, everyone just about licked the plate clean; I know I did.
Puck and Rolf brought out little oil lamps while we enjoyed a bottle of Pinot Grigio before digging into baked pesto chicken thighs on thick rings of baked onions, with a side of slow roasted tomatoes (5 hours slow) with a bacon and olive oil reduction.
We finished up with a bottle of Fabiolli Farms Rasberry (sic) wine and Lindt Excellence 70% dark chocolate.
And then more vodka; well, for me.
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rolf is still asleep. I think we're going to have another nice day. We're going to see the Redskins Vs. the Eagles today. It's a 4 O'clock game, so there's no rush to get ready yet. I had started to get ready yesterday, all my shopping was geared toward the preparation of tail-gate food - but then Puck called me, just as Nearly Gay Nick called Rolf to see what we were doing, and before you know it Puck and I'd finished putting the patio set together, and we were all out here having Scallops and bacon hor's d'ourves.
Rolf and I took Friday off because we had to go to court for the case of The Commonwealth of Virginia vs. Jerk neighbor who is negligent in protecting society from his vicious dog. But, he didn't show up - he had his lawyer there to ask for a continuance. Asshole.
I've spoken to five people now, three of them yesterday, who have direct knowledge of Sunshine biting other dogs, and one person who was witness to Sunshine biting a jogger on the trail. Now I have to meet with my lawyer and find out how to have them give a deposition to be considered next time we go to court - and of course, when we go to sue him.
So, Rolf and I were home from court by noon on Friday, and we took the day off. We stumbled on this patio set at K-Mart where we'd gone to get a weight bar for our workout nook. Instead we got this wonderful set - the first new outdoor furniture I've ever bought, and it's Martha Stewart, and it was only Two Hundred Dollars! Yep, 75% off!
AND we bought tennis racquet's!
We put two of the chairs together when we got home. We were sitting on the driveway, Rolf looks down at my assemblage of chair hardware and says:
"C-Clamp. C-Clamp. "
I didn't get what he was saying. I was looking at a c-clamp; I was missing a washer, yes.
"You forgot the C-clamp."
"OH, Ok. Any noun will do I guess," as I pick up a washer.
"What do you mean any noun will do" he laughed. "You're missing the other c-clamp! I'm not that bad. . . Any noun will do."
Laughing, I realized my mistake and found my other c-clamp . . . Rolf still chiding me . . . "I'm not so old that I can't find a good noun . . . "
Then I look at his finished work, and notice that he, too, had forgotten the c-clamp. Oh My God, The look on his face after I said
"Speaking of c-clamp"
and he looked down at his connections and realized that one was missing too. I think that I laughed for an hour.
After we had the chairs together, and had a few cokes, we actually went and played tennis! And I did really well! Rolf says I did exceptionally well, considering that I haven't played in twenty-five years. I hope we can go play again today. I'm going to go wake him up to ask.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Just Close the Gate; I'll stand and wait.
This is Rolf - getting ready for geezerball. Doesn't he look so cute! I love the sleeveless sport shirt. He came home uninjured. His knee is pretty shot, I think. I wish it wasn't. He got home at 10 or so. I was pretty drunk; I'm my own favorite drinking partner.
I'd made a vegetable soup with homemade chicken stock, using fresh black eyed peas, ears of corn off the cob, fresh picked green beans, and a couple of handfuls of sprouts - oh so delicious. I packed it all up for lunch today . . . and forgot it.
For dinner I made him Calamari with Penne and Sunflower Basil Pesto. I picked that and all the vegetables up at the farmer's market after I brought Bailey back from her doctor's appointment. I also made roasted tomatoes with thyme, bay, and BACON. And that's packed up and waiting to be eaten too.
That Sunflower seed Pesto is so great!
Well, I've lost just under 13 pounds. Having 19 points worth of vodka and red wine is slowing me down. Tech week The Last Five Years is one month away. One Month!
Must have less booze and more exercise! Because I can't wait for this show!
It will be so much better if I lose another 15lbs. . . and do some sit-ups!
Bailey is doing well. On Sunday we can start walking her again, and by the following week we'll be able to let her off the leash in the back yard. Court is tomorrow. As far as I know, the owner of Sunshine has not surrendered him to the dog pound; so we have to go to court. I'm hiring a court reporter so my lawyer will have the transcription for our lawsuit.
All the best,
Monday, September 17, 2007
I Will Never Change the World, Until "I Do"
I'm sad to admit that my work / plans / hopes for Springfield Community Theater aren't going as I had hoped. It looks like I'll have to put some effort in it.
First off; I need a very talented pianist for The Last Five Years. And I have to accept the fact that the pianist I found is not going to work out, and she will be let go. She swears; that's ok. In fact, if she'd have shut up, I don't think it would have turned out this way . . . but I may be wrong.
The music is exceptional. EXCEPTIONAL and hard. It is so great you won't believe it. Please, come see the show - and, please please, buy the soundtrack first. This is not for the grade school set. Get to know it a bit. Jason Robert Brown is a master of modern composing.
Well. well, well. It was a very nice rehearsal. We blocked the first number. The only number when I get to look in Janice's eyes. (OH, her name's Janice. I've called her Mrs. Walker, and Petunia Walker . . . as a joke on the character's we played in Tommy. But, who am I kidding.
I've given every reader of Sidenote the power to destroy me. what am I saying . . . another scotch? ok.)
Yes, and the number is called "The Next Ten Minutes". It's the proposal / wedding scene. And I just had no friggin' clue as to what the beats were. I know I am limited in my ability - but you should believe this: I am good. But I just couldn't get it. It's in 12 / 8 time. Which feels like 4/4, but a dotted quarter note gets one beat. I don't even know how to read that, so I mark each beat in the measure as if it's a measure unto itself. But Susan, my pianist, well, everyone other than me has accepted; she's rhythmically challenged.
We don't have a music director. The director can certainly cover that position herself - Adrianna is just a quadruple threat director. She came over to the piano and helped Susan through it. The reason I couldn't get it was that Susan was treating the eight note / quarter note combination of the repetitive phrase as a pick up, and not a full third of the beat.
So what! She took direction. Susan that is. Adrianna was counting, patronizingly, Over and over again, and we were getting it. It got better and better. Then when we went to block the number, Susan kept up with what she'd learned.
Yet, when rehearsal was over, Janice and Adrianna openly talked about finding another pianist! Susan was still there. I thought I didn't understand, and they were talking about augmenting the band with a synthesizer player.
But no. Nobody but me thinks that Susan can do it. Not Susan, not Adriannia, not Janice. And I don't believe it - but I know they are all right.
So. F*ck.
Oh, and then there's Anita. What the hell? She's the "President" of this group. I'd vote for firing her - except I don't want to be president. No way.
I'm much much to lazy. If not me, though, who? If somebody doesn't appear for this, then this group should die.
Happy 50th Anniversary, Springfield Community Theater . . .
I need be President. No. No. No. . . . I need to find a president. Rolf! Rolf could be president. No, that's not good either. .
Where's the help hiding at? On the other end of the phone line, probably.
God, I love this show. And with Adrianna directing, 50 seat black box, it's going to be the not-to-be-missed show of the season . . . but I've got to get a new band.
Hi. Bye. Are you there?
Tin can at my feet, think . . I'll kick it down the street . . .
Still have to walk Bailey. One more scotch first.
Good night.
There's Something Going on 'Round Here

You know I will. I'll make Rolf come with me.
Oh! Speaking of Rolf - Here he is!

He said he'd let me take a picture for the Blog - see what fun he is? We had a nice weekend. It flew by. Sunday we went to Old Town (Alexandria) to walk on the waterfront, through the Torpedo Factory where we imagined buying a large painting for our living room. Afterward we drove the Jeep over to the Washington Sailing Museum, where we got Fried Clam Po' Boys and fries, and had a picnic watching the sail boats, National Airport landings and take-offs, and the distant view of the Capitol, Washington Monument, and the Post Office Pavilion.
Not too shabby.
Friday, September 14, 2007
I'm Gonna Get Up
Bailey's doing much better. She is healing nicely, and I am pleased with her progress. The swelling is down, and all the drains have been removed. We just have to hope that there are no abscesses that develop. That would be an infection that would require additional surgery.
We have a court date for the dangerous dog summons. That is next Friday, although the Animal Enforcement Police Officer told us last night that the owner plans on surrendering the dog before the court date. In that case, there's no court date because the criminal charge is against the dog, and not the owner. And we've found a lawyer for the criminal and civil case against the owner.
I'm in a panic at work. I've had something important do be done all summer, and I haven't done it. Here it is, due date. What I mess I've made.
Let's see how I get out of this!
Boy, oh boy, I am such a screw up. Well, at work.
On brighter notes: My friend Puck stayed with Bailey when she got home from the hospital. And while Rolf and I were at work, she completely rearranged our basement so now it's like we have just the best recreational, TV, exercise, bar, book nook, and kitchen down there. It is so exciting I want to have a party!
What else? The Last Five Years is going to be a great show. I am so excited to be doing it with such a fantastic team . . . oh, and I'm going to be great.
I wonder if I'll have a job on opening night . . .
All the best,
And when I find me some kind of life I can live
I'm gonna get up, get out and live it!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Levity from 09/04 to Brighten my day
Voice Mail:
Hello Boys. . .
It’s Carol calling on Tuesday morning. I hope you got back safe and sound, and that that 8 minute drive didn’t take 80. Um. We had such an amazing time. You were little gifts from God. You have no idea how you brightened up my. . ., my day and my life when I needed it more than you would ever, ever know. So, thank you. Thank you for preparing an amaahazing meal. Thank you for putting the barbeque together. For helping us carry the stuff in, for playing with us. For being you. It was just great. Thank you, thank you.
Um, on a different note as I think you remem. . . maybe you don’t remember this: but I lost my glasses. I can’t find my glasses anywhere. And we went back to the beach and we couldn’t find them because the tide was in . . . But I’ve also lost my cell phone. Um. . it was on the countertop by the door and then by the radio. . but it is nowhere here. And I’ve searched for the last couple of hours. And my battery is dead so I can’t even call myself to find it. Which really sucks. So, if you by any chance find it in your stuff. . .um, obviously call me, but you can’t call me on my cell phone! So, I’m going to leave you two different numbers so that you have them. One is Michelle’s cell: 617 (area code) xxx-xxxx. I’m leaving you Jay’s number also because I told you I would give you his number which is 6 . . . OH SHIT, He has a new number and I don’t have it . . . memorized. AHH! Well, I can’t give you Jay’s. But, if you call Michelle, she has Jay’s. . . (laughter.)
Love you boys. I wish I had my cell phone so I could hear back from you today. But feel free to call Michelle if you find my cell phone.
Thanks. Bye-Bye.
Love you . . .
Labels: vacation
We were supposed to go to the beach. But we didn't. Towmy was supposed to go with us, but he wouldn't. Rolf had been complaining bitterly about being away so much this summer that we hadn't done any work on our own house or on the Richmond Project. Which is our house in the slums of Richmond. Which we were to renovate and sell last April. And we didn't.
I was also supposed to go to a family reunion at my parents house on Saturday, but we didn't.
What we did was fine and good and fun, until the attack.
After we'd finished our Saturday morning travels to the Farmer's Market and department store, we came home and started to work on the front of the house. We're going to have to refinance the house to secure funds to finish the Richmond Project - or else we're going to go bust.
I brought Bailey (who I've previously called d'Ohgy, but that doesn't seem fun now) out, and tied her to the maple tree while Rolf and I worked on shearing overgrown boxwoods. A gentle white and faun colored greyhound; she looked like a moving statue sitting so stately and gracefully in the shade.
I looked up from the hedge we were working on and saw the jerk Harvey and his aggressive dog walking down the sidewalk.
He greeted me cheerfully - "Hello".
I don't like him. But I am nice, mostly always nice.
"Hello," I said. "Bailey is in the front yard. Would you please cross to the other side of the street because your dog is 'agressive when she's on a leash.' "
And he looked me in the face and walked right around me and the pile of brush that was between us. Rolf turned his attention back to the hedge, because he thought that Harvey and Sunshine was crossing the street - but he didn't he just walked toward the road and back around me and I watched has he walked down the sidewalk. Sunshine was walking on his left. I noted that Harvey was holding the retractable leash in his right hand, and also holding the leash rope in his left as it crossed his body while Sunshine stopped to pee. I thought he was holding the rope when Sunshine bolted past him and into my yard while he just watched to see, not where she was headed, but just where she was going. And he reacted with dim awareness when Sunshine was attacking Bailey. She had been asleep.
I raced toward Harvey, intending to spear him in the neck with the loppers; Rolf ran toward the dogs, intending to kick the shit out of Sunshine. But the attack was over before we got to kill anyone. Bailey was standing on three legs, trying to stand on two.
Harvey says: "I didn't know she was there, I didn't even see her"
Rolf - "How could you not know she was there,?" he screamed. "He told you she was there and told you to cross the street!
Harvey, whining "Oh don't call the police."
Injuries are extensive, but there are no internal injuries to her organs. She has three pairs of drains, a pair in each wound. The wounds are horrible, and that's just what you can see on the outside. She is eleven years old. The possibility of infection is high. If she get's an infection, she will require another surgery - with general anesthesia - which is extraordinarily dangerous for greyhounds in itself. An infection could cause her leg to be amputated.
Harvey was issued a dangerous dog summons last night. Court is on Friday, September 21, unless he surrenders the dog for euthanasia beforehand.
I was afraid to go out of my house yesterday. I put up a "No Trespassing" sign. And I waited for the phone calls. The surgeon, the animal control officer, the police . . . and I expected Harvey to show up on the doorstep to apologize . . . but the trauma was just too much. I put the sign on the door, and another one that said "Bailey was attacked. I do not wish to speak to her attacker. All other's are welcome." And then I felt safe.
My administrative assistant quit on Friday, and will not be back. I just found out. My boss says I can take one day off this week, and no more. Rehearsals begin full time for The Last Five Years, tonight. And I need a lawyer.
Somehow, I need to get a lot of work done now.
Labels: Bailey