Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Now the jingle hop has begun

It’s Saturday morning. I’m in the sunroom looking out at golden brown leaves blowing in the wind. Occasionally, well bundled couples with their dogs walk by the back gate. Runner’s in knit hats, scarves, gloves, and running shorts, fly by more often than the occasional crisp leaf falls to the ground. D’Ohgy and Rolf are still in bed, although the morning is slipping away fast. We have high hopes for the day, and we should really get started soon.

Our holiday started on Thanksgiving Eve. Even though it was 60 degrees at lunch time, by the time we were on our way to Puck's, we thought we saw snow. We went to the Warner Theatre to see A Tuna Christmas! Rolf and I have seen it about four times now. (Soon to be an annual tradition, the show is here every year for the week of Thanksgiving. We’re lucky to have them here at all. Besides, since they come so early, there are always half-price tickets available! Yay TicketPlace!)

When we all walked out of the house, our laughter stopped suddenly at the stunning sight of the season’s first snow. I remarked to Memae, as we walked arm in arm to the car, that the snow must be a welcome sight (being that she's from Boston, but has lived the last 15 years in Phoenix.) She said “You don’t know the half of it” and then she couldn’t say much more; I think she was crying. She said that her grandmother told her that for every good thing there’s a touch of bad. Such as the snow, is very very good, but it comes with the cold. And she was quiet for the rest of the walk.

Her sister was with us, and once we were in the car, Rolf drove white knuckled through the snow trying to find MetroCenter so we could drop her off before the show. We were only minutes away from the theater, but we didn’t know exactly how to get there. You know how it is in a city; you just get the address, and wing it. But this time we needed to find the subway station for Lina. It was a wild ride, everyone laughing and yelling directions, Rolf driving too fast in the snow. We finally found a metro station, and dropped Lina off, and then headed to the Warner passing the metro station we'd been looking for all along just two blocks away from the theater.

Once inside, I found that we could bring our drinks into the theatre. I didn't want to be rude, so I went back in to ask Rolf and the girls if they'd like something from the bar. I leaned over, and put my hand on Rolf's shoulder, but I lost my balance and slipped from his shoulder, to, I discovered, a stranger's knee. This hot, and very tall man was sitting behind my empty seat with his knee resting on the seat back, and my hand resting on his knee. I yanked my hand away and apologized quickly, while trying to get back to the drink order. But, I was so embarrassed, I couldn't talk. Memae says "What's this about?" And Puck says "He grabbed that guy's knee!" Memae: "Well, that's just the end." And the man's wife says "He grabbed your knee?" I just lost it. I flushed and laughed and just flopped down in my chair. And we pretty much laughed for the next three or four hours.

Thanksgiving Dinner at Mom’s was pleasant. She went all out making all the trimmings. I think that with the cancer watch still unanswered, and Joy’s pending divorce, just tinged the day with some melancholy.

All the best,



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