Wednesday, September 28, 2005

And the award goes to. . .


(Yay me!)

It was so fun to get together with all my people again. Three of the leads performed at the ACT Award Ceremony on Sunday. We had rehearsal on Saturday and it made me cry. These people are so wonderful.

We won eight awards! They are:

Best Make-Up Design
Best Costume Design
Judge's Discretionary Awards for:
- Hair/Wig Design
- Portraits
Best Actress in a Musical (lead)
Best Actor in a Musical (lead)
Best Director of a Musical
Outstanding Production of a Musical.

I gave a good acceptance speech too. I wish it was taped so I could tell you what I said, but I winged it. I had written an acceptance speach called "Beginner's Luck", that was such a bunch of crap that I threw it out. I mean, really, it ended with the line: "Thank you to the ACT Award Committee for adding to the list of things that make me feel like the luckiest man alive." Gag.

So I said something along the lines of:

Oh I was so afraid of this. Giving an acceptance speach is like the penalty for winning. I read this week, someone said, "I know my mouth will hold a size 9 shoe, because my foot has been in there so often." And I can really relate, so I hope it's funny, wish me luck, here goes. . .

THIS WAS MY FIRST SHOW! It was an amazing experience working with so many wonderful people. .

And I went on and on thanking people, I got three laugh lines in, one applause break too. Then I ended saying that it took over 50 amazing people to put on a 6 person show.
"I share this with you. Thank you."

And there was applause, hugs and kisses.

And cosmopolitans. Lots of cosmopolitans.


At 12:55 PM, Blogger Leta said...


At 11:20 AM, Blogger joey said...

Oh good for you! You go boy!

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Vig said...


It is very fun. It really feels weird. Very weird. I've never gotten an award for being a leader before. I know I was the cause, and that it isn't really true, but still I feel like my contribution is worth less than the work that the 50 odd people did to bring the show to life. But, "I'm and award winning director" does have a nice ring to it.


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