Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm Gonna Get Up

Bailey's doing much better. She is healing nicely, and I am pleased with her progress. The swelling is down, and all the drains have been removed. We just have to hope that there are no abscesses that develop. That would be an infection that would require additional surgery.

We have a court date for the dangerous dog summons. That is next Friday, although the Animal Enforcement Police Officer told us last night that the owner plans on surrendering the dog before the court date. In that case, there's no court date because the criminal charge is against the dog, and not the owner. And we've found a lawyer for the criminal and civil case against the owner.

I'm in a panic at work. I've had something important do be done all summer, and I haven't done it. Here it is, due date. What I mess I've made.

Let's see how I get out of this!

Boy, oh boy, I am such a screw up. Well, at work.

On brighter notes: My friend Puck stayed with Bailey when she got home from the hospital. And while Rolf and I were at work, she completely rearranged our basement so now it's like we have just the best recreational, TV, exercise, bar, book nook, and kitchen down there. It is so exciting I want to have a party!

What else? The Last Five Years is going to be a great show. I am so excited to be doing it with such a fantastic team . . . oh, and I'm going to be great.

I wonder if I'll have a job on opening night . . .

All the best,

And when I find me some kind of life I can live

I'm gonna get up, get out and live it!


At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad Bailey is doing well...Tell her Truley Scrumptious and Eliza Doolittle wish her well (they are my furry replacement children).

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Vig said...

I love those names! I've always wanted to name a dog Dulcinea.

I've got rehearsal this morning. I'm waiting for the coffee to finish, then I have to get Bailey and Rolf up. Both of them are still asleep!

time for coffee.

best wishes.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Trey said...

Glad to hear that Bailey is doing better. I had a co-worker who's cat was killed by an aggressive dog. He was a wreck. I can't believe people who don't understand the danger of their own pets. So sad. Anyways, glad he's doing better.


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