Thursday, May 19, 2005

Audition Weekend - The RUTHLESS! Party

Long fucking weekend - Part Three.

Sunday, 6PM – Rolf and I, with BigManSon arrive at the party early to help out. The party was being hosted on my behalf by SoundMan (hot, tight, blond, big smile, and a dangerously loaded jock strap) and his partner FittnessGod (ooh, the muscles, everyone begging to be licked.) And the house was gorgeous, spotless, the bar stocked; (Luckily for me, because I don’t think the two glasses of wine I had at home after HeteroJoe and family left was going to be anywhere near enough. I was wrong though. It should have been more than plenty.) And not a single thing for us to help with.

I can’t believe I have friends like this. I’m a worthless piece of shit. But they treat me so royally I just can’t believe it. The party is for the first viewing of our show Ruthless! The Musical. It was stellar. My music director’s were the next to arrive, so it was like we were having a very gay exclusive, pre-party in this lovely setting.

Hugs and kisses, “How you doing, Baby?” I’m asked. “I’ve never been better, yesterday I wanted to die” I think, but I don’t say. More wine.

BubblyAcctress arrives. “Oh My Gosh, I just can’t wait. Everyone at work still tells me that this was the best and funniest show ever! They all still rush to the phone saying ‘I’ll Get It.’

Brilliant ShyActor arrives, smiling, hating everyone fawning on him, yet loving it.

Rush of people, hugs and kisses, electric. Group divides, one talking about the authentic movie house popcorn maker, another admiring the projection TV, another arranging food, another outside smoking cigarettes. More people enter, causing people to move through the house like pinballs. Hugs and kisses. More wine.

“. . the best show I’ve ever done. I still can’t believe you cast me”. “Where’s Tina” “Anyone talked to Judy? Still in the hospital??” “Oh God, with all this food, I might as well not have dieted at all.” “Man, Vig, this chili is great!”

More people. Hugs and kisses. . . “Why yes, I’ve heard I’m fabulous . . . ha ha” More wine. More people, multi-ball play: Bing Bong Match Score Tilt Rebound as my people bounce from one favorite friend to another favorite, to the bar, to the deck.

7:45 Stage manger: “15 Minutes.”

“Where’s Tina” “We’ll we’re not waiting for her AGAIN.” Popcorn is popping. Bean bags brought in for extra seating. More wine. “Places! Lights!” Every seat taken, sofa, loveseat, and recliner, 4 beanbag chairs, two back-jacks, three dining room chairs, all facing the mammoth screen. The door bell rings, each and every person in the room shouts “I’ll get it” and we laugh as Tina and her parents arrive. The coffee table is quickly dispatched, and every one gets closer to make room for our star-to-be. And the movie starts.


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