Monday, February 27, 2006


Like silver pin balls, we shoot out of the kitchen into the crowded bar, to find many other gem colored balls already in play. Mrs. Walker and I target the Tommy and Jesus Christ Superstar casts, as I say “hi”, I hear my name called and look across the waiting crowd to see Puck shimmering in blue. Hugs & Kisses.

We move over to the Ruthless! cast area where Tomas says “Hi baby-doll, still sounding like a man?”

Memae kisses me and tells me I look fabulous. Judy is having a Jack and Coke, and a smoke. “Medicinal purposes?” I ask.

Tomas lights up too, and I have to move away. I don’t usually have trouble breathing, but my chest was not clearing up. “You should have one,” Judy says.

On my way to the bar, Mrs. Walker is talking to Gypsy. Hugs & Kisses as the bar fills up with ticket holders waiting for the theater to open. People from every show I’ve ever done want to hug and congratulate me. This is happening to every nominee.

I order a Dewar’s, up, and discover I have no money. I still haven’t seen Rolf. Passing through the two hundred people, I take a break out by my car which is parked by the front door, where I grab my ATM card. And I stand there and breath deep breaths. Still, people are streaming in from the parking lot, each one avoiding looking toward me while trying to get out of the cold (and to their general admission seat) before joining in the Hugs & Kisses.


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