Monday, February 27, 2006


Five hundred people dressed to the nines, sit at 85 tightly packed tables in a room the size of two basketball courts. Ruthless and Tommy casts occupy prime real estate in front on the upper level near center stage. I sit still only long enough to eat a cobb salad, and then run from one near conversation to another.

“Hi! It’s so good to see you? How are you?” I say, beaming with happiness to see each old friend.

“Oh I’m. . .” and many times I’m gone before they finish a sentence.

A.D.D. is no laughing matter! Oh! Look! A Chicken!

Or in this case, another happy shiny friend. I had face time with each of them. And when they talked, I often saw this expression that said “This man has no idea what I’m saying.” That’s about the time I say “Oh! Look! A Chicken!”

“Oh! Look! It’s Li’l Tommy!” I forgot about him.

And the lights go out.


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