Monday, February 27, 2006

5:30 PM

“Do you want to hear the joke of the day?”, I say as we head to the dressing rooms loaded with all of our belongings. “Well, Tomas called me and asked if I had a cold because he said I sounded like a MAN!” She laughed with me for a minute and said “Are you sure you weren’t out boozing it up last night?”

The truth was that I wasn’t. My voice was feeling raw from the double run of Forever Plaid on top of the six times we sang “I Believe My Own Eyes”. My partner, Rolf and I went to a late dinner after my last rehearsal had ended at 9:45. It was so good to be with him, I miss him so much. Just a few more days and this show will be open!

I, in my tuxedo, and Mrs. Walker (wearing the tightest piece of fabric that only athletes like her should wear) on my arm, as we found the back door to the dressing rooms and walked through the restaurant kitchen and through the bar, relaxed and laughing as we went to find Li’l Tommy for a blocking review.


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