There were seven musicals nominated, out of 25 reviewed, with each nominee needing a tech run of the number they were presenting at the ceremony.
All my Ruthless people showed up on time, including Tina and her parents (her mother, ever so cold to me now.) Maybe that was the first miracle of the day (that they were on time, not that Stage Mother wasn’t speaking to me. . . although I can’t be sure.)
Hopefully the second miracle of the day was going to be that I’d stop sounding like a bass and be able to sing.
Ruthless! begins their tech run and they don’t stop even though the mic mix is horrible. The event coordinator is saying “That’s good. . .” as I interrupt and say “What’s up with those mics?” He’s a good guy, one I’m honored to consider a friend. But, he looked like the proverbial deer in the headlights.
The stage manager says to Tina: “Honey, what mic do you have?”
“Seven,” she says.
“OK” the SM says, “Yours was a little HOT but we fixed it. NEXT!”
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