Wednesday, October 26, 2005

About C.F Buttcrack, and Dancing with Joy

Continued from yesterday.

I was pretty upset. I met Rolf for coffee and began to tell him the news I wrote up here yesterday. When I got to the part about my soon-to-be-ex-brother-in-law. . . I got choked up and was nearing an embarrassing sobbing extravaganza (while in line at the coffee shop.) So, I just had to tell him to read it instead because I didn't want to cry.

Since then I've found out some new things. While taking our ball room dancing class at Arthur Murray, my sister, Joy, filled me in on some missing details.

Shannon was in a pressure cooker type thing at work and didn't want it to continue. In addition to her "regular" job, she's been in training to be an executive officer (Ex. O.), which required a lot of travel, and assisting powerful people. She hated it. But she felt stuck, which is why she's had this breakdown. Now medicated, she took yesterday off from work, but did work out some things with her boss about what she wanted her life to be. . . ie NO Travel. The mentor/boss/friend told her that she could not just stay in the job she has, she's too smart for that. However, she also said that she wouldn't have to continue in the Ex. O. program or do any travel. So, that sounds just great.

Still, I was hoping that there was trouble in paradise for Shannon and Buttcrack. No such luck. Joy said that Buttcrack has no friends up here (as they've just relocated), so he's joined the Moose Club, and he goes there on Friday nights. So Friday nights are the Mother/Daughter night anyway. (I'm not quite sure why he'd be out so late that Shannon would stay the night at her mom's. . .) Joy said that Shannon is just like her, when she's upset she want's to spend time with her mother. And that Buttcrack has been very loving and supportive. . . which I really don't want to believe.

Then there's the part about that telephone call Russ received. I have not heard it. I guess I will. There dad didn't say that he'd "Knock their blocks off". . . After he said all the crap about divorcing the kids, his message to Russ said "And tell that stupid sister of your's that if I ever see her husband, I will knock his block off."

Well, that puts me in an odd position doesn't it. Seeing as I've come to think of him as Buttcrack, and I even have trouble remembering what his real name is; and (I believe) my niece is sick and he is taking good care of her. Plus, I really don't want to be in aggreement with a man (their dad) who would torture his children that way.

so, fuckin' hey, what can I do? I've got to stop the hate. I am buying him a belt for Christmas, but I'm going to stop calling him Buttcrack. That's so sad.


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