Laughter in the Rain
Ah, the morning has slipped away. I was sitting in the sunroom, at the pub table, waiting for coffee to brew and contemplating an entry into my neglected blog; but a yoga episode was starting on the TV. It's a rainy day here, overlooking Lake Accotink. My muscles, being sore from framing the new bathroom on our project house in Richmond yesterday; I jumped at the chance to do some stretching here on the sunroom floor.
And that was three hours ago, and I'm just getting back to the blog now. I put up one of the suet birdseed cages out on the deck banister. I'm getting all kinds of birds. Right now there's a White Breasted Nuthatch pecking away, eight feet away from my outstretched legs.
I love it.
So - I haven't been too involved with my folks lately. I feel guilty. But, they seem to . . .
ok - emergency - roof leak in the kitchen. I've been up on the roof in the rain putting (Rolf says he can't wait to see what this post looks like) putting plastic around an air vent. Oh boy.
Well, the folks are ok. Mama's been off of Chemo since October. And I um, just feel a bit emotionally exhausted from thinking like she is going to die any minute and I have to be the heroic caretaker . (Oh by the way, the leaking stopped, so I guess my rock was good enough, says Rolf).
I'm not the only caretaker. My sister is faultless. We both just try and do everything we can. The medicine she's on has reduced the size and number of tumors in her liver from 7 at 6 mil. each, to 4 at 3 mil. each. However, the medicine has effected her blood sugar, so she's exhibiting classic diabetic symptoms, like lethargy.
Daddy's got a neurological issue that's causing him to lose his mobility. So, now I feel like I need to find a house cleaning service to get out there and do their Spring Cleaning. That's going to be my Mother's Day gift to them.
Richmond, yesterday, Rolf, Towmy and I framed in the new bathroom. It's a half bath off the center hall way, and next to the kitchen. Towmy has this rubic's cube type of ladder that you can use as an extension ladder, scaffolding, or just modern art depending on how you configure it. We were hammering 2 by 4's into floor boards and header boards - that I had cut in the backyard using an old dog house as a saw horse.
We couldn't get the ladder in just the right position, because of the tight space, so we had Rolf thread up the board through the ladder, and we pounded it in place. It was a little short, this 2x4, so we used extra nails to get it in tight. Towmy even thought to use the ladder to brace the stud so it would stay plum. Oh we were so proud of ourselves, until I realized that we'd not left anyway to get the ladder out. Yep, we built the stud through the ladder. From oposite sides of the top of the ladder, I said to Towmy - "Honey. How do we get the ladder out from here?"
He started laughing so hard, and so did I, that when Rolf asked what was going on . . Towmy said "Look at the ladder." Rolf did, not comprehending yet, and Towmy says "I guess we can tell them the ladder conveys" And we all broke up. Honestly, we laughed for ten solid minutes. And we laughed while we pulled the nails out and, we laughed while we rehung the stud, and we laughed during a lull in conversation at the Greek Mexican diner we at at, and I broke out laughing while driving home, and Rolf and I laughed while I was scratching his back during a commercial break (while waiting for the water heater to do it's job.)
My goodness, It looks like there's a bit of sunshine.

The play I'm in opens in about three weeks. I'm supposed to be off book for Act 1 by Tuesday. So, I hope to spend the rest of the day studying. I am really having a good time. I'm mis-cast as a 35 year old straight father of 4 tennis pro / Latin teacher. But, I figure no one's gonna see it anyway, so I'll just enjoy all the lessons I am getting for free from the fantastic director. The woman who is playing my older sister is coming over to do lines in a little while. She's supposed to be five years older than me, but in reality, she's really 16 years younger than me. Oy.
Richmond, yesterday, Rolf, Towmy and I framed in the new bathroom. It's a half bath off the center hall way, and next to the kitchen. Towmy has this rubic's cube type of ladder that you can use as an extension ladder, scaffolding, or just modern art depending on how you configure it. We were hammering 2 by 4's into floor boards and header boards - that I had cut in the backyard using an old dog house as a saw horse.
We couldn't get the ladder in just the right position, because of the tight space, so we had Rolf thread up the board through the ladder, and we pounded it in place. It was a little short, this 2x4, so we used extra nails to get it in tight. Towmy even thought to use the ladder to brace the stud so it would stay plum. Oh we were so proud of ourselves, until I realized that we'd not left anyway to get the ladder out. Yep, we built the stud through the ladder. From oposite sides of the top of the ladder, I said to Towmy - "Honey. How do we get the ladder out from here?"
He started laughing so hard, and so did I, that when Rolf asked what was going on . . Towmy said "Look at the ladder." Rolf did, not comprehending yet, and Towmy says "I guess we can tell them the ladder conveys" And we all broke up. Honestly, we laughed for ten solid minutes. And we laughed while we pulled the nails out and, we laughed while we rehung the stud, and we laughed during a lull in conversation at the Greek Mexican diner we at at, and I broke out laughing while driving home, and Rolf and I laughed while I was scratching his back during a commercial break (while waiting for the water heater to do it's job.)
My goodness, It looks like there's a bit of sunshine.

So Happy to hear from you!! I was about to send out a search party for you.
OMG, your A.D.D is running wild in this Funny thing is I have no problem following along(my mind works like that too), it makes me happy to know I'm not alone out there. I just have to say your carpentry adventure sounds more like a SNL skit than work, I'm glad you all had so much fun.
I am so glad to hear from you. Are you ok?
Awww, you're so kind to ask, I'm fine. I do miss my blog especially the comments. Oooo, did you see Julie Andrews "Cinderella" last weekend on Great Performances? OMG, she was so young(1957).
oh I sure have seen that, its been a year or two. I loved seeing the step sisters! Was that Martha Raye?
Anyway - have you and your husband reached a detente? Was it a good idea to delete your blog and everything? I was so sorry about that fight.
I've never seen that version before, I love the sisters too. BTW it was Alice Ghostley and Kaye Ballard.
The husband well, he is who he is...Goodie for me, I get to live with him or should I say, put up with him. We're fine, I know all to well how to deal with a difficult man(read jerk), I've been doing it for 27 years.
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