Thursday, March 22, 2007

Boogie-dy, Boogie-dy

Rolf is away. I shoulda been bed awhile ago. But, I had rehearsal, and I've got the maid crew coming tomorrow, so I had to clean the house tonight. Well, a little bit.

My blog is restricted viewing. So, Susan, and the other three, six, or nine of you; I'm sorry I didn't finish my not so very interesting story, but I'll get to it this weekend.
I am so excited; I'm in a new show. I hope it pans out as well or better than it (the word - what's the WORD).

The show is Children. And there are four people in it. There's a Mama, Sibilings, and a Daughter in law. I'm the son. Two or three rehearsals in, and I'm very excited. I wish it wasn't at the lowest of the low community "theaters", but if it was somewhere else, they'd never have called me and said "Hey, we're doing a show. Ya wanna?"

I said yes. Hadn't even read the show. It's quick, just 6 - 8 weeks, only 6 performances. So I said yes. And I am having a ball. I feel like I'm getting free conservatory training - one on one.

I should be in bed. d'Ohgy thinks so too, and she's just gone. I'm not happy with her. She peed on the rug yesterday. On the silk rug. I have no idea what to do.

Oh, about the show. I'm supposed to be late 20's to early 30's. (I'm 44.) And I'm supposed to be a tennis pro . . . HA. Yes, I lost 10 lbs. but I'm still way fat.

The good thing? Since the "theater" is in the fellowship hall of the Methodist Church: my nude scene has been cut.


Oh yes, they call him the streak
He likes to turn the other cheek
He's always making the news
Wearin' just his tennis shoes
Guess you could call him unique..


At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

twenties or thirties uh, and they thought of you, how cool is that. You've got some great friends!

At 6:17 PM, Blogger joey said...

Okay well if there is no nudity I'm not coming.



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