Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Coffee and Tea and the Java and Me

Hi. um - I'm good. Chuck, the Dr., says I'm stressing out. So, we're doing blood tests, and I'm going to have cardiac exam of some kind or other just to prove that I'm nuts. Do you think he was trying to be funny when he said "Have you heard of the subconscious. . . " Hmm.

I feel great today. Just great. I think all I need is to get exercising again - maybe some yoga or dance, my chest just feels so tight, some good stretching would hurt so good.

Any way, I hope ya'll are doing fine.

I'm gonna list and make some notes about what's stressing me out now. So, ya'll go on and have a nice day. I don't want to be a bore.

A) Rolf is in proposal hell at work, which I construed to be akin to when he was in Master's Degree hell, but it isn't at all. I've totally over-reacted and acted out of fear rather than reality.

B) We're buying a house in Richmond to flip, and I don't think things are moving well. Rolf has to get the loan, because because because, and he hasn't done it. What will happen? Well, one thing is that Towmy is sitting next door to the house we're going to buy just chomping at the bit to get started; and he doesn't know that we're not doing anything. We're all dreaming about making a profit. I'm getting new windows and doors with my share. He's going to fix his bathroom with his. There's a lot of uncertainty there. I'm really scared. Really really really scared.

C) Um - I've got a new boss at work. I told her that I dug myself a good and deep grave here and there are things I need to do to get out of it. So, I laid it all out, pretty much. So now I really am supposed to be cleaning the crap up and preparing for the new contract. And I'm not doing it.

D) We are evicting Bemmy.

E) Tomas . . . what the hell is up with that? but anyway, not really stressing me out. Just pisses me off.

F) I don't have any pants that fit.

G) Mom still fighting cancer.

H) We haven't made plans to go to Italy for our 25th anniversary. We don't have passports, or an itinerary, or most importantly, money.

I) That little credit problem I had, where they were trying to rip me off, and I failed to get it taken care of, has bitten me in the (FICO) ass so damn hard it makes me want to spit.

J) I hate my work

K). . . this is n't a very long list is it. . . . it doesn't really make all that much sense that I'm reacting like this . . . hmm. . .

Well, then. OK Here's letter k:

I'm a stupid ass loser for overreacting to life's minor problems and I should be shot.

and that's the truth.

But I feel good now, like I finally got enough rest. But it still feels like deep breaths take too much work. OH - Bemmy's vacation starts tomorrow. He's going to Istanbul to meet an internet boy friend.

While I think this is really not wise - I am envious.

I ain't got nothin' else to say.

'cept about Russ and Officer Cupcake. Ah, yes. But that's for another day.

All the best,


At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I'm glad you're feeling better.

OMG yeah, I would say you're more than just a little stessed, who wouldn't be. You could be taking better care of yourself (if you weren't so stressed). And maybe you do overreact to things.

But don't you dare call yourself a loser. You know what I see? I see a loving, caring, talented, hard working, man that has a loving family, many friends, and still gets all gushy when he talks about his partner.

One more thing...How cute are you!! Should I have said hansome? hehehe


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