Everybody's Got the Right to be Happy

Bemmy's back.
He's got to move out.
He doesn't know it.
I've got to tell him.
And, he brought Tomas home for dinner. Tomas, who has been looking for a job for a real long time, is supposed to go to Provincetown with us this August, only I don't think we're going . . . and I have to tell him.
Our friend Sonny was supposed to go with us, but he's been invited to present a paper in Finland. He was going to drive with Tomas to P-town. I can't help but wonder if he was being sucked into paying some of Tomas's costs, too. Are we obligated to go even if we have to add other people to the mix? I know that they see each other two to three times a week, so Tomas must have known that Sonny was going to Finland before we did. Why hasn't he brought it up? Is it a manipulation tactic? He is so secretive, he could be on the verge of losing his home, and just not in the mood to talk. Who knows? Tonight I have to talk to him about Provincetown. I don't know what to do! Argh!
I will not talk about Bemmy staying with Tomas there. It's none of his business.
I am pretty sure I'm about to lose two friends. Once they see they've freeloaded off of me for the last time, they'll drop me like a hot potato. Betcha.
Kay and Clark's Wedding was last weekend. We had a houseful of people, who wouldn't stop talking. At one point I asked someone to hand me a pen and paper so I could note what it was I wanted to say, because, God knows, I couldn't get a word in edgewise. And by the time they'd stopped talking to breathe, I'd forgotten what I wanted to say. "My A.D.D. is just so crazy tonight, I can't keep up. .can I have that paper please? . . ." fuckers. I kicked them out on Sunday afternoon. I said "Hey, everybody, anyone who's here after breakfast better count on helping me spread mulch! Or get out." Cheers.
Sunday night Rolf and I went to see Assassins at Signature Stage. It was fantastic. The funniest thing was we're all sitting this black box theatre, 200 of us or so. The chairs sat on a heavily raked platform, and there was just enough room for an isle between the bottom row of chairs and the grand drape, an immense American Flag. To begin the show, the flag dropped to the ground and there sat the whole cast in mirror image: a whole other set of chairs on heavily raked platform. It was so funny, but also so inventive. All the assassins and ensemble members were just sitting in the chairs staring at us, or at some unseen movie. It was so cool.
Monday and Tuesday nights were naked nights. With the drenching rain there was nobody that could look in the house from the park, and I knew that once Bemmy moved in I'd have to keep my clothes on, lest I drive his disgusting self into a fit of lust. So I cooked naked, I cleaned naked, I did laundry naked, I watched tv naked. Now I can't be naked again until I kick him out.
He got home on Wednesday, and we barely saw him. Ha-ha! We went to the Kennedy Center with our good friend (Ms.) Encore, to see Christine Baranski, Harriet Harris, and Emily Skinner in Mame!
If you haven't been to the Kennedy Center, you absolutely must come see. It has halls big enough to have two-way traffic of Mac Trucks. Only it's carpeted in a lovely red, and there are flags from every state and nation hanging from the ceiling in two halls, in the main hall there are huge crystal chandeliers. Encore wore a beautiful beaded black blouse, with dark purple, green, and cobalt foliage in it. Rolf had a beautiful soft green Oxford, and such elegant black slacks; and I wore khaki's and a lavender muumu. Oh I felt so fat.
We went in the Eisenhower Theatre, the same theatre that Bemmy snuck Puck, Memae, and I in last October to see the Chinese Acrobats; and our seats were great! The show was great! I was sobbing with glee by intermission.
Best of all: we snubbed Bemmy!
I don't want to go home.
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