Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Labor Day

We had a nice time at the beach with my family. It wasn't long enough. It was good to spend time especially with my parents, who don't seem to be themselves these days. Mom's not feeling well, it the cancer on her spine that is hurting her and she's not taking anything for it. I would guess there's going to be another round of chemotherapy in her near future. I hate chemotherapy. It is awful. Daddy's really upset at his loss of mobility. He got a diagnosis of Generalized Periphial something-or-other Neuropathy.

We went to see a show at the Alabama Theatre on Monday night. It was so crowded. I was terribly afraid that Dad was going to take a fall. He almost fell down a short stack of stairs outside the theatre, but I was behind him and caught him under his right shoulder until he got steady.

While I was away, we received notice at work that we have been granted a six month extension . . . so this job goes on until March. I'm going to have a busy day preparing that budget. But that's fun work for me.

My first rehearsal with the cast of PetPourri is on Tuesday. I can't wait.

All the best,


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