Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Me Worry?

My cast from Ruthless! gave me that poster. It's signed on the back by all of them. I just brought it to work the other day. It's behind my office door, so nobody has seen it . . . yet.

I went in to auditions very early and got everything set up. I opened all the windows and turned on all the fans because there is no air conditioning. And I kept saying to myself "I am the possibility of excitement and creativity!" And that's who I was too.

I treated the auditions like it was a celebratory party, and we all had a great time. There were lots of laughs and great singing. I had no sopranos though. So I called my friend Leta Encore, and told her she had to audition tonight. And that is great. So, given what I've seen already, and with Leta coming too, I can cast the show. Would it be alright if I just canceled the auditions for tonight?

Well, I have much to do. All the best,


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