Thursday, May 19, 2005

Short & to the Point: Hang-over, Call-backs, and the Day After

Monday’s suck.

I took the morning off to recover from the partying, working 4 hours until the dentist appointment. I got call backs to audition for Captain Walker and Uncle Ernie. I was not happy about being considered for Uncle Ernie. I want my summer free, but I’ll give it up for Captain Walker. If they were considering me for Uncle Ernie, it meant they weren’t happy with me as Captain Walker. I got the broken tooth repaired (actually a cap), not fun, but I slept in the dentist’s chair. While in the area, I took Judy the card from the party, and visited her in the hospital for an hour.

Dishwasher problems almost gave me a great reason to skip call-backs, but I went anyway and prayed for a flat-tire. Got there and heard the possible lads and Cousin Kevin’s singing Pinball Wizard. It’s very cool. I love this show. I was glad I was there. I would not read for Uncle Ernie, “sorry”, I said.

I sang last 6 measures of “Go to the Mirror” And the Tommy can you hear me section of “Christmas.” Only. Just those 16 or so measures, and only to see if I could hit the two friggin’ highest notes in the show. They said they liked what they heard. The other Captain Walker’s couldn’t make call-backs. Hmmm. Then I left. Odd, that.

Grabbed a beer, opened it, drank some, poured it out, and went to bed.


My friend, thank you for reading this. I won’t ever do it again. I won’t do a moment by moment account of days on end. But I just had to this time. Well, for one I’m new at this and didn’t know better. And also, because I wanted to include as much of the reasons for my behavior on Tuesday as possible. I just had to write it down.

My life has been on a non-stop schedule since last summer, and I am, well, exhausted. We began preparing for Ruthless in September. In February, before the set was even struck, I started taking Shakespeare and Classical Voice and Movement classes at Studio. And now, while preparing for final Shakespeare scenes on the 29th - GUESS WHAT? I'm Captain Walker again!

Intellectually, I am thrilled. Emotionally, I was way more excited when I found out they are doing it than I am right now. I have got to figure out a way to recharge my batteries - without taking anytime off from work.

Truth be told: Yesterday, as I was telling a friend in my office that I get to do it again, I showed him a picture of the first Tommy, instead of the thousand words it would take to explain why I was giving up my summer. And that moment, the hair stood up on my neck, a huge smile claimed my face, and I cried.

I'll show it to you one day. But I can't get it to post. In the mean-time, I've got tonight off. No class no rehearsal, and tomorrow too. I will rest.

The end.


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