Saturday, April 21, 2007


(unfinished draft)

we blog. therfore we are. . . says rolf. who is here. . . la la la. . .

Ufizzi Air and Space Museum. .. . . james bonds and bond girls, many in modern day wedding gowns . . . sip cocktails underneath antique biplanes, and supersonic jets.

The band plays "Play that Funky Music White Boy". Expect the band is all black, except for Kenny G. on Sax, and Sanjayia on keyboards. . . it's better that way.

Mark and Karen hope to go to Itlay for their 25th. Mark, who was on the job that caused our trip to Italy to Celebrate our 25th to be delayed, introduces Rolf to his wife and friends and says: this is Rolf who has the distinctions of working with our worst customer, who shall remain namelss. . because it's the fucking senate of the united states . . . fuckers. . . where was i?

he goes on to say that trip was delayed . . .


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