Sunday, December 16, 2007

Well, Mama is feeling better. The broken rib wasn't even mentioned today. Brianna and Shannon had to go back to the hospital after lunch because Brianna has jaundice. Only Shannon was upset. I worry that's she's a prime candidate for post partem depression . . . not to mention that I'm still waiting for bi-poler disorder to reveal itself. Anyway, I went to church today at Triangle Baptist Church . . . that's where Quantico Marine Corp base is. My sister is the music director there now. That was odd odd odd odd. Rolf did not go. Luckily all the people there were kind enough to not stare at me when I was trying to not break into sobs when Russ and Officer Cupcake came out dressed as Mary and Joseph. Mama was working one of her two Sunday church jobs, but Daddy was there. "Did you forget to shave?" I asked. "I shaved", he said . . ." Yeah, there were two clean spots on his cheek, but other wise . . . oh boy. His shoes were . . well he's got this drop foot thing, so he wears hard soled shoes to work in the garden . . these were dress shoes I'd given him ten years ago . . and there was mud on them, and paint, and then his polyester suit . . . have they heard of the dry cleaners ???? He was wearing the suit at lunch at Joy's house. She made a prime rib, and well, my diet has bit the dust. . . we destroyed the roast. After Russ (nephew) and I dug into the remaining ribs, bones and all, Daddy did too. Dropping gravy all over his suit and tie . . .and nobody said a thing.

Rolf is over at his folks now. It's Austin's (the gay 9 year old's birthday. . .) so there was a birthday party, but I didn't make it. . I was supposed to go to work to finish the financial statements . . but I blew it off: thinking I could just get to work at 7 and finish them up before it was too late . . . yeah right. (Another Manhattan; anyone?)

Austin's gay. Gay GAY GAY. Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or Birthday party in 2004, when Austin would have been, what, six? He and his cousin, our other nephew Micheal . . . . NOT GAY! were sitting at a little table with the TV on a stand up over his right shoulder; when, Micheal Phelps was being interviewed . . . and you know how terrible the media is about not showing hot hot men in speedos, (bitches, ) so Michael Phelps and X-Guy-hot-swimmer . . were being interviewed . . . only showing from mid waist up. And Austin, after momentarily transfixion, says: "Look Michael, they're nAkid" and he reached up, and pretended to twist cutie Micheal's right nipple. Then giggled.

Micheal? He was like . . . "dude . . you're gay."

But neither of them has realized it yet.


Manhattan's are calling. . . . and Bailey wants a walk. Even though it's a wind storm . . Hmm . . well. We're off.

All the best,

That's me!


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